Try Organic Products Under Bath And Body Works India

Are you having an itching sensation in the vagina? Is there an irritation in the intimate area that you are too embarrassed to talk about? Are you unable to find the best solution that meets all your needs of the intimate area? Well, women need to choose the correct kind of female wash products and also feminine moisture products in the endeavor to strike for the ultimate feminine hygiene. Taking care of the vagina is an important aspect of personal hygiene. No matter how embarrassing it is to talk about intimate hygiene, but women need to do so and not shy away from the said topic. Understanding the specific needs of intimate feminine care, find exclusive organic products under bath and body works India that is sure to cater to the ardent needs of women intimate care.

Talking about the intimate hygiene of the vagina happens to be a topic of extreme embarrassment for the women. The said embarrassment leads to the neat wrapping up of the issue of women intimate care and it ultimately results in major ignorance on part of the women on matters concerning intimate hygiene. Women in general, harbor misconceptions that cleaning the vagina with water and soap is enough for the proper feminine care of the vagina. It is high time that women do away with such misconceptions. For cleaning the vagina with water and soap on a daily basis isn’t a good idea at all, because soaps are alkaline in nature that comes with a pH value ranging from 8-10. Water, on the other hand, has a pH value of 7 for the matter. Vagina has a natural pH value of 3.5-4.5. Therefore women need pH balance female wash products and feminine moisture products for the complete care of the vagina. Indus Valley has an amazing product in this regard, i.e. the ‘Women Intimate Hygiene Combo Pack’ which works best in terms of feminine hygiene.

Atrophic Vaginitis or vaginal dryness as it is popularly known happens to be a common problem that all women encounter at some point in their lives and thus, to help women deal with it in the no chemical manner, find excellent products that have been specially formulated that work best in the said respect. Physical intimacy happens to be the binding factor of love relationships. The extremely close and intimate moments that you share with your partner are extremely special and are an absolute necessity to keep the romance going. But at times, it becomes difficult for women to participate sexually as their vagina experiences a lack of proper natural female lubrication, thus causing a hindrance to sexual intercourses. Take your pick with the best of feminine hygiene products that Indus Valley has to credit.‘Women Intimate Hygiene Combo Pack’ not only provides for feminine moisture products but also female wash products which together help to take care of intimate hygiene after moments of physical intimacy. Therefore, the ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ helps as the natural lubricant that is needed to enjoy the moments of sexual pleasure and for the proper feminine care after intercourse, the vaginal wash solution ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ is there to ensure complete intimate hygiene after intercourse.

Talking of the said problem of vaginal dryness or vaginal irritations and itchiness has always been a difficult task for the women. While some women deal with the respective problem at an early age of youth, women, in general, encounter this problem during the time of menopause. No matter when women tend to have the said problem, the common factor remains that they are too shy and embarrassed to even acknowledge vaginal dryness and it is neatly kept under wraps forever. It is high time that women take proper care of their most intimate part for vaginal hygiene makes for an important aspect of health and personal care. Women, in addition, need to choose the right kind of wash products for the proper hygiene of the intimate areas to put it precisely. Women need to do away with the notion that washing the vagina with soap and water is enough for the proper hygiene, rather they need to opt for the different products for intimate area care featured under bath and body works India.

Opt for the combination hamper of women intimate care products that include ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ and ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’. ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ is among the female wash products which make for a paraben free product for women intimate wash.  On the other hand, ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ belongs to the group of Indus Valley’s amazing feminine moisture products that functions as the perfect solution for the female dryness cure. This Women Intimate Hygiene Combination product is the ultimate product for feminine hygiene that every woman needs to opt for among the different intimate care products as they make for this no chemical solutions that work best.

Here are the different reasons as to why you need to choose this combination product featured under bath and body works India for ultimate intimate care:-

•Cleaning the vagina on a regular basis with soap and water isn’t enough in terms of the proper intimate care. In general, soaps are alkaline in nature with a pH value ranging from 8-10. The normal pH range of the vagina is 3.5-4.5. The Women Intimate Hygiene Combination products feature the pH balance wash that is soap & alkali free as well as, the pH balance moisturizer is a paraben free product.

•Women Intimate Hygiene Combination Products has this ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ which is a feminine hygiene wash that is the ultimate intimate cleanser for a vaginal wash. This helps to keep any kind of vaginal irritations at bay and also helps to protect the vagina from day to day infections. ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ is a silk moisturizer providing for natural female lubrication that helps to do away with the problem of vaginal dryness and also helps to retain vaginal moisture. This problem of vaginal dryness is a common one and is faced by every woman at some point in their lives.

•This excellent combination features products which have 100% vegetarian components that are gentle enough for sensitive skin types. This combo pack is an absolutely a safe one and provides for the complete intimate hygiene

Who Can Choose To Use The Respective Products?

Women belonging to any age group can choose to use both the ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ and the ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ for the proper vaginal care. These products are safe to be used during menstruation and also during pregnancy and lactation periods.

When To Use The Said Products For The Complete Intimate Hygiene?

Both the products as enlisted under the different organic body care products are recommended for daily use. ‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’ being a natural feminine wash needs to be used daily during bathing and every time after urination. Use ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ on a regular basis whenever you personally feel the problem of vaginal dryness. It can be used for natural lubrication purposes during moments of sexual intimacy. The ‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’ makes for a great lubricant that enables you to enjoy those intimate moments of lovemaking even after menopause to put it precisely.

‘Fem Optima Intimate Wash’

Directions For Use:

•Take some drops of Fem Optima Intimate Washon your palm as per requirement.

•With the help of a gentle massage, apply it on the external part of the vagina.

•Rinse well with water after proper application.

•This excellent feminine wash product can be used on a daily basis during bathing, every time after urination and most importantly remember to use this every time after sexual intercourse.

•During times of menstruation, you can also use it every time you change your sanitary napkin or tampon or the menstrual cup to be precise.

‘Fem Elixer Intimate Moisturiser’

Directions For Use:-

•Apply a couple of drops of this ‘Indus Valley Fem Elixer Intimate Feminine Moisturiser’ in and around your vagina to get instant relief from vaginal dryness.

•For natural lubrication, apply a few drops on the entrance to the vagina just before the intercourse.

•To yield complete lubrication, buy the fem elixir intimate moisturizer and put a little of it inside your vagina and apply a bit to your partner’s penis before lovemaking and celebrate love with physical intimacy.

You can take your pick with this range of products that are free from any kind of side effects and are free from any kind of harmful chemicals, harsh metals and any synthetic additives for the matter.

Care for your vagina and personal hygiene like never before, with the organic range of exclusive products as featured under bath and body works India that talk of natural care.


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